The selections for the Welding, Boilermaker and Maneuvering Courses are open

First edition of Welding, Boilermaker and Department Operator Courses with highly specialized training course aimed at entering the company.

Welding, Boilermaker and Maneuvering Courses

ATB is pleased to announce that the selections are open for the first edition of the Welding, Boilermaker and Department Maneuver Courses with highly specialized training course aimed at entering the company, at the headquarters of ATB Riva Calzoni in Brescia (Italy).

The course, lasting 240 hours, is completely free and is intended for 10 young resources with the following requirements: 

  • Having completed compulsory schooling and, preferably, having obtained a diploma from a technical or professional school;
  • Be aged between 18 and 30 years;
  • Be resident in the Brescia metropolitan area or in any case within a maximum distance of 30 km from Brescia;
  • Be endowed with a healthy and robust physical constitution;
  • Have a normal body mass index;
  • Do not wear glasses or otherwise have vision problems or allergies to dust;
  • He refers to having already had experience in the field of the profiles sought.

They acquire the additional score registered on the lists of the Law 68/99 (disabled and protected categories), without prejudice to the validity of the requirements mentioned above, in the absence of which it will not be possible to be admitted.

To apply, you must send your curriculum vitae by e-mail to the address by inserting in the subject: CANDIDATURA AL CORSO DI "SALDATURA" o "CALDERAIO" o "MANOVRATORE”.

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