Three reactors for the TCO refinery were shipped

The pressure vessels will be part of the expansion project of the Atyrau petrochemical plant in Kazakhstan.

Three reactors for the TCO refinery were shipped

The first train of pressure vessels commissioned by Tengizchevroil (TCO) were shipped from Marghera commercial port. The process equipment for Oil and Gas industry will be part of the expansion project of the Atyrau refinery in Kazakhstan, a plant of 12 million tons of crude oil per year.

The three reactors are part of the second order entrusted to ATB Riva Calzoni: six units, splitted into two trains, first brought to Korea to be installed on the modules: injection compressors suctions drums, designed to remove portions of liquid hydrocarbons from process gases and thus prevent compressor damage.

Instead with the first order TCO required the manufacture of 12 molecular sieve reactors. These are pressure vessels for Atyrau, all the same design features, used in the process of gaseous hydrocarbons to physically separate unwanted substances: carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and water.

“During the summer, the first three of the 12 reactors currently in production will be shipped – explains Eugenio Carrara, ATB Riva Calzoni project manager -. The order, according to the program shared with the customer, will end in the spring of 2019 ".
“All supply is made of grade 22 enhanced steel (ASME SA 542 Tp B CL4 or ASME SA 508 Gr 22 CL 3) – says Luca Sabattoli, ATB Riva Calzoni Oil and Gas project engineer - The inside of the units is completely coated with Alloy 825 or 625, high alloy steel, to improve corrosion resistance”.

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